الموضوع التالي عبارة عن شريط مرئي عمله احد الشباب الامريكان المسلمين، يتحدث للجالية المسلمة في امريكا عن تكاليف حفلات الزفاف الباهظة، وتأثير ذلك في تأخير زواج الشباب...
طُلب مني ترجمة فحوى الشريط، وأذن لي بنشره على أساس ان حقوق الطبع ليست محفوظة...
فاليكم فحوى الشريط بالانجليزية، ثم ترجمته
وبالطبع عرفتم لماذا اهتممت به وبعرضه عليكم
وبانتظار تعليقاتكم...
assalammu' alaikum my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam
The high cost of marriage is causing many young couples to wait several years before they marry.
We live in a society where the haram is easy while our parents make the halal hard
now why do you got to make it hard?
Many parents today expect extravagant weddings while they put their kids into nothing but debt.
Did you know the average wedding costs $25,000?
Not only that but...wait did you say $25,000 dollars?...(look left)rewind that tape
(play last line in reverse)
25,000! (play in slow-motion)
that's what I thought you said
wow that's a lot of money
that's $6250 an hour
$104 per minute
$1.73 per second
$1.73 per second?
Yes by the time I finish this sentence, you have now paid about $10
Most of us are in our 20's when we get married
barely getting out of school
just starting our careers
trying to pay off college expenses
and you want us to jump into this $25,000 hole?!
how's that for a marriage gift?
(take card from left side) this is for us? thank you. (open the card) congratulations, you are in debt for 25,000?....thank you. what?...joke
by the time I save up of the money, I'm be in my 30's
and then society teaches us to wait and have fun when we get married and wait until we get older to have kids
what am I suppose to wait till I'm 40 until I start having kids?
by the time my kid's 10 year old, I'm 50
i'm an old man
>>let's go play soccer grandpa<<
i'm not your grandpa..I'm your dad!
what ever happened to get married when we're young?
protecting us from temptations
and back to the $25,000 thing
(empty pockets) where am in going to get 25,000 from?
hey bro, we're not even taking about the dowry yet, we're just talking about the wedding day
here's a reality check for you, if the parents are expecting you to spend $25,000 for a wedding...imagine how much they going to ask you to spend on the dowry ...bwhahahaha
>>(funny expression...chew nails)<<
but its special day that we will remember for our entire life
first off...the whole wedding thing is not a day..it lasts only a few hours
second, yeah I'm going to remember this cuz I'm going to be paying for it for the rest of my life
for those who have never attended one of these fantasy weddings, let me break it down for you so i can tell you what you're missing
imagine sitting alone at a table in a fancy hall.......wondering where everyone is
quickly learning that your that you're the last person to figure out that 6pm on the invitation really means 7pm
getting dressed up in uncomfortable clothes
sitting in a huge hall and saying "wow this must be expensive"
getting free refills of soda (ahhhhh)
eating fancy food
staring at the wedding program
saying salam to the people you only see at weddings, funnerals, and eid
signing guest books
playing with your napkin
taking pictures with bride & groom
hear speeches by friends and family crying and saying goodbye
by the way, why are you saying bye...they're not dying...they're just getting married
watching his & her powerpoint presentation
once again, who came up with this idea?
do u remember when you were a kid and your friends would come over, your parents would take out your baby pictures and they would show it to them
and you would sit there and they would laugh at you and you would have to put on that fake smile...you know what smile i'm talking about
(show fake smile)
imagine that but times 10!..this time you're in a suit, sitting in the spot light, on stage, at your wedding
and all those pictures you thought you burned are now back
on the big screen
on a wall size projector..everyone is looking at laughing
everyone and their mama is laughing at you and you can't do nothing about it
but there is an alternative
try this....
google the web to find inexpensive wedding invitations
>>wow, I can really save some money<<
how about having your wedding in the best location
The Masjid (show picture)
You'll should save a grip of money & what honor is a greater than getting married in Allah (swt) house
You can even set the time between salat times if you want
let's say Magrib to Isha
that way people get there on time
can you imagine the reward of bringing 100 people to the Masjid to pray two salats?
that is what I'm talking about man!
contact your local halal restaurant and ask for a deal
(on the phone) you know how they say...hook it up!...so give me a good deal...uh?..ahhh i love it..i love it!
finally, and most importantly, make du'ah to Allah (swt)and make a pure intention
because if you do it only for sake of Allah (swt) then your reward is with Him
and if you do it for the people, then your reward is with them
and if you don't do it for Allah (swt), then you're getting ripped off
ripped off!
$25,000 ripped off and even if you're trying to save money, you're still getting ripped off
anyways the whole thing shouldn't cost you more than a couple thousand dollars
So with all the money you do save,
you and your wife can start traveling
be debt free
maybe if you have enough money to goto hajj
that's what i'm talking about
start your marriage off on the right foot
you know what i'm sayin'?
you know what i'm sayin'
this is ali reminding you just in case you forgot
this is ali reminding you just in case you forgot